
VeriWell Blog

Intuitive Eating Bill of Rights

Do You Struggle with Holiday Eating?

Dismantling Diet Culture

Health Isn't What You May Think

BMI and How it Relates to Health

What is Health at Every Size?

Intuitive Eating for a Healthy Mind and Body

Intuitive Eating for a Healthy Mind and Body

A Non-Diet Approach to Health

A Non-Diet Approach to Health

Welcome to the first installment of VeriWell’s newsletter.

Each month I hope to bring you some knowledge and awareness from a non-diet, intuitive eating perspective. In addition, as a yoga instructor and essential oil user, believer and distributor, I’ll incorporate an asana (pose) and an oil of the month hoping to expand with curiosity your understanding of health. A recipe may pop up every now and then too! Full disclosure- I'm a dietitian who doesn't like to cook so most of my recipes are adapted from others and tweaked to a vegan version. 


Angela Babuschak
Registered/Licensed Dietitian Nutrition Therapist

Tel: 203-464-3342

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